responsible traveller © Hocquel

Responsible traveller in Vaucluse

You’re a responsible traveller in Vaucluse if, naturally,

You prefer to get to places on foot or by bike, even if your destination is the summit of Mont-Ventoux.
Your bag is so full that you could give Mary Poppins a run for her money: water bottle, tote bag, pocket ashtray, rubbish bag…
You go for walks in the forest on days when you’re not disturbing Mother Nature and only when it is safe to do so, checking the prefecture website in the summer months that there is, for example, no risk of forest fi re for the next day.
You know the colour of the plastics bin off by heart.
You enjoy spending an afternoon chatting with a craft maker or a winemaker.
You loved the blue of the lavender and can’t wait to see the pink of the almond trees in spring and the red of the vines in autumn.

Hiking bag


You only eat local and seasonal produce, even if it means missing out on the latest detox juice.

You wouldn’t miss the local farmer’s market for the world!

You know that the best air conditioning is to adapt to the rhythm of Provence: afternoon naps and evening outings in summer, being on the move in spring and autumn.
In summer, you close the shutters in the day and open the windows at night (and not the other way around).
You prefer the natural light of Provence to that of a lightbulb.
You know that taking a longer shower does not make you any cleaner!
Around cultivated fi elds, you know to look but not touch.

afternoon nap

You respect the peace and quiet of local residents.
You know where to locate the nearest bus stop and train station.

You keep this list and share it with a friend!