Moscato passe à table' show
Sunday 2 February 2025 at 4.30 pm.
Event in Vaison-la-Romaine :
Vincent Moscato, former international rugby player, radio host on RMC, comedian and humorist, presents his show "Moscato passe à table". With his legendary bad faith, more wounded than ever, he's ready to do battle!
The show:
From the Crocq Magnon man (a restaurant in Bergerac) to the organization of the Olympic Games, his indignation, the nouveau riche and his fifties, "Il passe à table" with his secret retorts and real-life anecdotes, he lets loose for our greatest pleasure.
From the Crocq Magnon man (a restaurant in Bergerac) to the organization of the Olympic Games, his indignation, the nouveau riche and his fifties, "Il passe à table" with his secret retorts and real-life anecdotes, he lets loose for our greatest pleasure.
Dates and times
Sunday 2 February 2025 at 4.30 pm.
Languages spoken
- French
Full price: 39 €, Reduced price: 37 € (Vaisonnais rate, with proof of address).
Espace CulturelAvenue François Mitterand
84110 Vaison-la-Romaine