Sentier Couleurs, senteurs et saveurs à Brantes
Tourist service in Brantes :
From the upper porch of the village, the trail heads north, down towards the Tuillières valley and then climbs gently towards the Charles.
Blue markers.
Here you can discover other plant properties and uses. Did you know that marigold colors butter yellow, oak scabies produce ink and tansy keeps fleas away?
The return to the village offers a magnificent view of the Ventoux and the ruins
medieval castle. You'll take a pleasant sunken path surrounded by
stone walls and lined with venerable almond trees.
Guide booklet available from the town hall.
Here you can discover other plant properties and uses. Did you know that marigold colors butter yellow, oak scabies produce ink and tansy keeps fleas away?
The return to the village offers a magnificent view of the Ventoux and the ruins
medieval castle. You'll take a pleasant sunken path surrounded by
stone walls and lined with venerable almond trees.
Guide booklet available from the town hall.
Sentier Couleurs, senteurs et saveurs à BrantesDépart porche du haut village
84390 Brantes