Back facing the car park, go down across on the paved track. After the turn; go back up gently. At the 1st intersection, turn left and climbthe track. Leave behind several roads to the right then to the left leading to houses. Pass a sloping ledge and reach the Aiguiers Bessons.
1 - Rise to the right onto the path. At the 1st crossing, continue the winding paths across (new variant). At the path, still continue across. A little further, leave a track going to the right and continue on the rocky ledge. Reach a viewpoint and climb the edge to the east (marking hardly noticeable). Reach a small covered aiguier. Continue to the right, pass the orientation table and reach the Cluyer dome (mountain pass cycling milestone).
2 - Descend the trail due north, continue on the path under the pines and come out on La Liguière track. Follow right on 150m and take on the right the Lays track (ignore the sign'Sentier des Aiguiers'' to the left). Reach the Romanet track and go down to the right for 500m, then at the exit of a bend, turn left towards Travignon. After a ledge in the woods, turn left.
3 - Continue the path straight. Pass 2 turns and reach the Aiguiers upstream. Retrace your steps to point 3 by cutting through 2 turns by the stony path. Turn left and cross the ruins of Travignon. When leaving the hamlet, take a sharp right and immediately a left to go down the winding paths of the old mule track. When at the 2 large rocks, leave the GR® behind to the left and go down the path to the right. Go up slightly to come out on the Romanet track. Go down on the left for 1km / less than a mile.
4 - Do not miss the path that rises to the right (point 754m). 200m above, turn left and climb the path. Continue by following the marking carefully (private property!), then gradually rise to a track that leads to the Caulet farm. Go down to the left, go up slightly, then turn left (mountain pass cycling milestone).Go down the path to the south. Do not miss, at the exit of a corner, the trail rising to right and coming out on the corner of a fence. Turn left, walk along the fence and come out on the Romanes trail. Turn left to return to the starting point.
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