Rasteau Bienvenue" wine info point
Tourist service in Rasteau :
Rasteau Bienvenue is a Vaison Ventoux Country information point, combining tourism, Rasteau wines and exhibitions.
A collection of the different estates and Ortas Cave de Rasteau (wine cellar) where you can discover two vintages: Rasteau and Vin Doux Naturel Rasteau.
- Car park
- Pets welcome
- Wi-fi
Dates and times
From 02/01 to 31/12.
Days and times are updated every month.
Languages spoken
- English
- French
Free entry.
Rasteau Bienvenue" wine info point4 Rue des Ecoles
84110 Rasteau
Tel :
View number
04 90 46 18 73
E-Mail : rasteau@vaison-ventoux-tourisme.com
Website : http://www.rasteau.fr
E-Mail : rasteau@vaison-ventoux-tourisme.com
Website : http://www.rasteau.fr